EDC2001: Beyond the classroom
EDC2002: The teachers' world
EDC3001: Assessment of learning
EDC3002: Curriculum and pedagogy
EDC3003: Adolescent development
EDC3004: Language and literacy
EDF1121: Exploring Science
EDF1122: SOSE: Culture and Society
EDF1124: Music Fundamentals
EDF1203: Curriculum Studies: Primary English 1
EDF1204: Curriculum Studies: Primary Mathematics 1
EDF1301: Perspectives on learning
EDF1302: Perspectives on teaching
EDF1513: Music in Early Childhood
EDF1514: Visual Art in Early Childhood
EDF2105: Teaching Studies A
EDF2123: Exploring mathematics
EDF2204: Curriculum Studies: Primary Science
EDF2501: Child development 3: child health and safety
EDF2502: Child development 3: child health and safety
EDF3603: Wilderness expedition
EDF3604: Camp Planning and Practices
EDF3608: Sport Education
EDF3610: Research/Project in Sport and Outdoor Recreation
EDF3801: Program Design and Delivery
EDF3802: Work, Development and Identity
EDF3803: Working with difference: learners in the workplace and
EDF3804: Independent Work-Based Project
EDF3805: Project management
EDF4001: Learning technologies across the curriculum
EDF4010: Developing Effective Communication Skills
EDF4011: ESL in the Mainstream
EDF4012: Introduction to Special Needs Students
EDF4013: Modifying curriculum for students with special needs
EDF4014: Exploring multiculturalism and cultural difference in schools
EDF4015: The Professional Teacher
EDF4016: Using digital technologies in literacy education
EDF4017: Teaching and learning in science
EDF5102: Child Development
EDF5601: International Perspectives in Special Education
EDG1501: Socio-cultural elements of sport and the individual
EDG1502: Human development and biophysical foundations A
EDG1503: Introduction to outdoor recreation education
EDG1504: Human Development and Biophysical Foundations B
EDG2504: Adventure education
EDG2505: Leadership and programming
EDG2506: Risk management and emergency response
EDG2509: Computer communications and applications for sport and
EDG2514: Swimming and Water Safety
EDG3001: Curriculum Studies: Literacy 2
EDG3002: Curriculum Studies: Mathematics 2
EDG3003: Curriculum studies: Physical Education and health education
EDG3004: Curriculum studies: Art and music
EDG3005: Curriculum Studies: Science and Studies of Society and
EDG3510: Coaching and instruction
EDN1445: Studies of society and environment I
EDN1455: Physical education and health 1
EDN2315: Art education 1
EDN2365: Computers in education 1
EDN3005: Language education 3
EDN3075: Foundation studies 5: the historical bases of
EDN3085: Foundation studies 6: developing school-community
EDN3105: Teaching studies 6 (primary)
EDN3115: Studies in teaching 5 (early childhood)
EDN3125: Studies in teaching 6 (early childhood)
EDN3245: Physical education and health 2
EDN3265: Computer studies 5
EDN3275: Computer studies 6
EDN3285: Music studies 5
EDN3295: Music studies 6
EDN3315: Early childhood environmental science, technology and social
EDN3325: Computers in education 2
EDN3355: Teaching studies 5 (primary)
EDN3395: Mathematics education 3
EDN3415: Child health and safety
EDN3455: Music education 2
EDN3465: Studies of society and environment 2
EDN3475: Science education 2
EDN3485: Art education 2
EDN3495: Sports studies 5
EDN3505: Sports studies 6
EDN3515: The professional in the community
EDN3525: Studio arts 5
EDN3545: Studio arts 6
EDN3615: Administration and issues in early childhood services
EDN3705: Expressive arts 2
EDN3715: Exceptional children
EDN3805: Environmental science 6: environmental problems and
EDN3825: Environmental science 8: microbiology
EDN3855: Child care studies
EDN3865: Family studies
EDN4101: Contemporary issues in early childhood education
EDN4102: Practicum studies A
EDN4103: Practicum studies B
EDN4104: Assisting children with special needs
EDN4401: Parental involvement in literacy
EDN4402: Health education
EDN4405: Social education: cultural studies A
EDN4406: Social education: cultural studies B
EDN4407: Studio arts A (Education)
EDN4408: Studio arts B (Education)
EDN4409: Language education: issues in language education
EDN4412: LOTE methodology and practice
EDN4413: German music and culture
EDN4414: Investigating issues in teaching and learning
EDN4415: Studies in teaching 8: project
EDN4416: School effectiveness and school improvement
EDN4417: Play and education in a paediatric setting
EDN4418: Mathematics education 4
EDN4419: Science education: teaching and learning in science
EDN4420: Technology education
EDN4421: Aesthetics and the arts
EDN4422: Introduction to learning technologies
EDN4423: Learning technologies: classroom publishing
EDN4424: Learning technologies: databases and multimedia
EDN4425: The junior primary specialist
EDN4426: Dance in education
EDN4427: Adult learning and teaching - theories and practices
EDN4429: Australian family studies
EDN5000: Current issues in children's services
EDN5001: Australian family studies
EDN5002: Program development and implementation
EDN5003: Principles and practices of child health and safety
EDN5004: Children's services management
EDN5005: Field studies
EDN5006: Child development
EDN5007: Professional development
EDN5901: School effectiveness and improvement: research, policy and
EDN7015: Teaching in schools
EDN7025: Child development and learning
EDN7035: Language education
EDN7045: Mathematics education, science education and learning
technologies I
EDN7055: Studies of society, environment, health and physical
EDN7065: Creative arts education
EDN7075: Mathematics education, science education and learning
technologies II
EDN7085: The role of the teacher
EDN8031: Teaching world musics
EDN8032: Creative music in the classroom
EDN8033: Community, adult and further education
EDN8034: The effective school
EDN8035: Issues in arts education
EDN8036: Issues in primary education
EDN8037: The social and political contexts of early childhood
EDN8038: Improving professional practice
EDN8039: School effectiveness and improvement: research, policy and
EDP1101: English and studies of society and environment
EDP1102: Science and health and physical education
EDP1103: Images of education
EDP1104: Child development 1
EDP1201: Australian ecology
EDP1202: Biology of mammalian systems
EDP1203: Health issues in education
EDP1204: Health education and promotion
EDP1206: Mathematical modelling
EDP1207: Computer essentials
EDP1208: Computer communications and presentations
EDP1301: Multicultural studies
EDP1302: Australian indigenous studies
EDP1303: Studio arts - printmaking/textiles (Education)
EDP1304: Studio arts - sculpture/painting (Education)
EDP1305: Understanding music today
EDP1306: Popular song in society
EDP1307: Creating theatre for children
EDP2101: Education - mathematics education and learning technologies
EDP2102: Literacy and culture in the curriculum
EDP2103: Arts and technology
EDP2104: Structuring education
EDP2105: Child development 2
EDP2106: Early childhood literacy and studies of society
EDP2201: Conservation and environmental issues
EDP2202: Environmental health
EDP2203: Exercise physiology
EDP2204: Fitness leadership
EDP2207: Graphical computer programming
EDP2208: Computer control
EDP2301: Reading popular culture
EDP2302: Popular culture: structure, perceptions, interpretations
EDP2303: Studio arts - two dimensional studies
EDP2304: Studio arts - three dimensional studies
EDP2305: Keyboard musicianship
EDP2306: Program music: seeing with your ears
EDP2501: Practicum studies 1 (early childhood)
EDP2601: Practicum studies 1
EDP2602: Practicum studies 2
EDP2701: Practicum studies A (primary)
EDP2801: Educational practices: experiences of teaching and learning
EDP2802: Contexts of adult learning and development: workplace and
EDP2803: Learning and researching in work-related contexts
EDP2805: Training and learning with new technologies
EDP2806: Work, organisation and learning
EDP2807: Educational practices: experiences of teaching and learning 2
- project
EDP3102: Mathematics education
EDP3103: Education and change
EDP3201: Marine science
EDP3202: Science, technology and society
EDP3203: Sports injury prevention
EDP3204: Sports coaching
EDP3207: Multimedia computing
EDP3208: Computer project development
EDP3303: Studio arts - computer art (Education)
EDP3304: Studio arts - mixed media (Education)
EDP3305: Music in Australia: Australia in music
EDP3306: Introduction to World Music
EDP3501: Practicum studies 3 (junior primary)
EDP3502: Practicum studies 4 (infants and toddlers)
EDP3503: Foundations of early childhood education
EDP3504: Australian family studies
EDP3505: Child development 3: child health and safety
EDP3506: Early childhood expressive arts
EDP3601: Practicum studies 3
EDP3602: Practicum studies 4
EDP3701: Practicum studies B
EDP4102: Practical approaches to teaching health and physical education
EDP4103: Designing and producing illustrated children's books
EDP4305: Creating and presenting in the primary music classroom
EDP4430: Marine and coastal education
EDP4501: Practicum studies (early childhood)
EDP4502: Practicum studies 6 (preferential)
EDP4503: The teacher as a researcher
EDP4505: Child development 4 - exceptional children
EDP4507: Early childhood mathematics, science and technology
GEC1101: Teaching and curriculum studies 1A
GEC1102: Teaching and curriculum studies 1B
GEC1401: Education studies
GEC1402: Curriculum development
GEC1403: Philosophy in education
GEC1901: Education ideas
GEC1902: Education and learning
GEC2101: Teaching and curriculum studies: English and mathematics
GEC2102: Teaching and curriculum studies: studies of society and
environment, and science
GEC2902: Curriculum development
GEC2903: Philosophy in education
GEC2904: Historical perspectives in Australian education
GEC3101: Teaching and curriculum studies 3
GEC3801: Jean Piaget: the structure of thought
GEC4201: Teaching and curriculum studies 4 (primary)
GEC4511: Contemporary issues and challenges in education
GEC4512: Reading the research on education: social and policy
GEC4513: Developments in primary music education
GEC4514: Science education
GEC4515: Computers in education
GEC4516: Curriculum developments in physical education
GEC4517: Curriculum studies: art
GEC4518: Children's literature
GEC4520: Special topic in educational studies
GEC4521: Introduction to measurement and evaluation in education
GEC4522: Introduction to research methodology
GEC4523: History of childhood
GEC4525: Outdoor education
GEC4527: Gender and schooling
GEC4529: Teaching language and literacy: curriculum and pedagogy
GEC4530: Gifted education in the classroom
GEC5501: Teaching and curriculum studies I
GEC5502: Teaching and curriculum studies II
GEC5503: Psychological principles of teaching
GEC5504: Philosophical principles and issues in education
GEC8612: Introduction to computing in schools
GEC8613: Computer programming for education
GEC8614: Evaluation of educational software
GEC8615: Technology in society
GEC8616: Computer use in educational management
GEC8617: Computers-in-education project
GEC8618: Facilitating computers in education
GEC8620: Computer-mediated communication
GED0101: Educational psychology
GED0134: Introduction to special needs/inclusion
GED0136: Practices and issues in special education
GED0137: Assessment and instructional approaches in reading
GED0140: Special education practicum
GED0150: Professional issues in psychology
GED0151: Empirical research in psychology part I
GED0152: Empirical research in psychology part II
GED0153: Psychological assessment
GED0155: Behaviour change strategies
GED0156: Introduction to counselling and health psychology
GED0201: Education and society
GED0301: Social history of schooling
GED0401: Principles of teaching
GED0437: Special needs in mathematics education
GED0511: Methods and practice of teaching commercial and business
GED0512: Methods and practice of teaching legal studies
GED0513: Methods and practice of teaching economics
GED0515: Methods and practice of teaching English A
GED0516: Methods and practice of teaching English B
GED0517: Methods and practice of teaching geography
GED0519: Methods and practice of teaching history
GED0521: Methods and practice of teaching studies of society and
GED0523: Methods and practice of teaching languages other than English
GED0525: Methods and practice of teaching languages other than English
GED0527: Methods and practice of teaching English as a second language
GED0529: Methods and practice of teaching music A
GED0530: Methods and practice of teaching music B
GED0531: Methods and practice of teaching mathematics
GED0534: Methods and practice of teaching computer studies
GED0535: Methods and practice of teaching general science
GED0537: Methods and practice of teaching biology
GED0539: Methods and practice of teaching chemistry
GED0541: Methods and practice of teaching physics
GED0542: Methods and practice of teaching psychology
GED0543: Methods and practice of teaching technology
GED0544: Methods and practice of teaching Jewish studies
GED0545: Methods and practice of teaching drama
GED0605/GED0606: Reading subjects in education
GED0801: Research methods: educational research methodology
GED0807: Research methods: statistical analysis
GED0810/GED0811: Reading subjects in education
GED0901: Advanced studies in educational research and practice 1
GED0902: Advanced studies in educational research and practice 2
GED0911: Research essay
GED1802: Cultures and psychology
GED1805: Cognitive psychology, learning and teaching
GED1806: Communication disorders in children and adults
GED1807: Anxiety disorders
GED1808: Adolescent development and its educational implications
GED1809: Studies in learning difficulties
GED1811: Studies in special education/inclusion
GED1812: Facilitating change in special and inclusive settings
GED1813: Behavioural problems in children
GED1814: The psychology of the gifted child
GED1815: Intellectual disability
GED1816/GED1816S: Special education practice 1
GED1817: Counselling, guidance and pastoral care in schools
GED1818: Special education practice 2
GED1820: Behaviour change strategies for teachers
GED1825: Clinical behaviour therapy
GED1826: Counselling: theory and practice
GED1827: Advanced psychological assessment
GED1828: Exceptionality: assessment and intervention
GED1830: Clinical placement in psychology
GED1831: Psychopathology
GED1832: Ethical and legal issues in counselling psychology
GED1837: Psychological, physical and social components of health
GED1838: Cognitive, personality and educational assessment
GED1839: Gifted education: identification and programming
GED1840: Advanced studies in gifted education
GED1841: Autism spectrum disorders
GED2802: Comparative studies (the role of education in third world
GED2803: Finance and economics of education and learning
GED2804: Policy studies: education, economy and society
GED2805: Gender and education
GED2817: Language, society and cultural difference
GED2819: Ethics and educational management
GED2826: Leaders and leadership
GED2830: Management of the curriculum
GED2832: The management of staff in educational organisations
GED2834: Industrial relations in education
GED2835: Aboriginality and education
GED2847: Difference, equity and education: issues of gender, ethnicity
and class
GED2850: Continuity and change in Australian education and training
GED2851: Education and society in the Asia-Pacific region
GED2852: Educating and learning in the workplace
GED2853: School management in public systems
GED2854: Adult education and training: policies and practices
GED2856: Globalisation and educational policy
GED2858: Human resource development in the context of the learning
GED2860: Teachers/trainers, work and workplace change
GED2861: Curricula for work-related learning
GED2862: Systematic approaches to work-related learning
GED2863: Issues in international education
GED2864: Cross-cultural curriculum and pedagogy in the global
GED2865: Planning and implementing international education
GED2866: Exploring international education in the Asia-Pacific
GED2880: Policy and governance
GED2882: Leadership and organisation
GED2883: Management and change
GED2903: Educational management: theory, research and practice
GED2907: Human, financial and capital resource management in
GED2909: Social context of education, policy and practice
GED3619: History of education through biography and family history
GED3620: History of Australian education and other welfare services
GED3623: Philosophy for children
GED3800F: LOTE methodology
GED3801: Legal issues and the exceptional individual
GED3802: Knowledge, education and the curriculum
GED3803: Issues in health education
GED3806: History of public policy in Australian education and
GED3809: Literacy and technology
GED3812: Educational applications of second-language acquisition
GED3815: Classroom-based research in second-language education
GED3816: New literacy studies
GED3817: Reading: literary studies and classroom practice
GED3823: Theory and practice of TESOL
GED3827: Teaching languages for specific purposes - theory, context and
GED3828: Education, aesthetics and the arts
GED3830: Curriculum writing and syllabus design for second-language
GED3832: Functional analysis of discourse
GED3833: Theory and practice of second-language education
GED3834F: Advanced practicum in language teaching: LOTE
GED3836: Writing practices in learning contexts
GED3837: Literacy in adult contexts: policies, practices and
GED3838: Historical development of school music in Australia
GED3839: Approaches to research in language and literacy studies
GED3840: Assessment in foreign and second-language education
GED3841: A tale of three countries, 1850-1993: higher education in
Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States
GED3842: Reading: theory, research and practice
GED3845: School literacy practices: P-12
GED3846: Issues in modern Jewish education
GED3847: Theory and principles of bilingual/immersion education
GED3848: Establishing, maintaining and evaluating an immersion
GED3849: Developing materials for content-based teaching in a LOTE
GED3850: The classroom and the bilingual/immersion teacher
GED3851: Research in music education
GED3852: The international context of teaching English as a foreign
language (TEFL)
GED3853: Advanced English for professional practice in teaching English
as a foreign language
GED3856: Research design in teaching English as a foreign language
GED3860F: Advanced practicum in language teaching: TESOL
GED3901: Philosophical issues in curriculum development
GED3902: Policy and management in tertiary education
GED3904: Law and educational administration
GED3905: Improving the quality of education
GED3907: Lifelong learning
GED3908: Schools for tomorrow
GED4620: Issues in professional practice
GED4801: Teaching standards and teacher evaluation
GED4802: Mathematics education in the information age
GED4803: Technology in the curriculum
GED4804: Computer control and interfacing in education
GED4806: Professional development and educational reform
GED4807: Evaluating educational programs: theory and practice
GED4810: Assessment of student learning
GED4811: Research methods: scale construction and analysis
GED4815: Environmental education
GED4816: Evaluation and development of educational software
GED4819: Catering for individual differences in mathematics
GED4821: Planning and managing instructional materials and resources
GED4822: Computers, artificial intelligence and theories of learning
GED4823: The impact of computer technology on education and society
GED4824: Computer programming for education
GED4826: Explorations in flexible learning and instructional design
GED4828: Science, technology and society
GED4830: Developing the reflective practitioner
GED4834: Computer communications in education
GED4835: Issues in educational multimedia
GED4836: Research on teaching and learning science and mathematics
GED4837: Research on science and mathematics curriculum
GED4902: Teachers' work: research and policy
GED4911: Research methods: scale construction and analysis
GED4912: Research in specialist curriculum areas
GED4913: Assessment, evaluation and the curriculum