Lecturer: To be advised
6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Gippsland - Prerequisites: GEC2101 Teaching and curriculum studies: English and mathematics
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have examined a range of competing models of Literacy Teaching and critically discussed each one; be familiar with current developments and issues in the English curriculum field; have studied and critiqued a range of evaluation and assessment approaches in use in schools; have evaluated examples of the application of learning technologies in the English curriculum area; have planned and evaluated the application of teaching strategies in a school setting.
Synopsis This subject is the third in the Undergraduate sequence which prepares prospective teachers for the Key Learning Area of English. The subject covers the areas of a critical examination of the range of current models of Literacy teaching and aspects such as differential access to literacy in our school systems. In addition, a range of current issues in Literacy such as the role of technology, assessment and "new orthodoxies" are critically examined. The subject seeks to present students with rigorous discussion and to encourage them to develop a clear approach to Literacy teaching from an informed base of theory into practice.
Assessment Two assignments (2000 words each): 50% each
Prescribed texts
Anstey M and Bull G The Literacy Labyrinth Prentice Hall,
Sydney, 1996
Anstey M and Bull G The Literacy Lexicon Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1996
Recommended texts
Graves D A Fresh Look at Writing Heiemann, Portsmouth,
New Hampshire, 1994
Freedman A and Medway P (eds) Learning and Teaching Genre Boynton/Cook
Publishers, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1994
Derewianka B (ed) Language Assessment in Primary Schools Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, Sydney, 1992
Saxby M Books in the Life of a Child:Bridges to Literature and Learning
Macmillan Australia, South Melbourne, 1997
Cambourne B and Turbill J (eds) Responsive Evaluation: Making Valid
Judgements about Student Literacy Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Armadale,
Victoria, 1994
Gilbert P with Rowe K Gender, Literacy and the Classroom Australian
Reading Association, Carlton, 1989
Nicoll V and Roberts V Taking a Closer Look at Literature-Based Programs
Primary English Teaching Association, Newtown, 1993
Derewianka B Exploring How Texts Work Primary english Teaching
Association, Newtown, 1990
Hanzl A (ed) Literature: a focus for language learning Australian
Reading Association, Carlton, 1988
Hancock J and Hill S (eds) Literature-based programs at work Australian
Reading Association, Carlton, 1987
Reid J A Forrestal P and Cook J Small Group Learning in the Classroom
Primary English Teaching Association, Rozelle, 1989
Collerson J (ed) Writing for Life Primary English Teaching Association,
Rozelle, 1988
Woodward H L Negotiated Evaluation Primary English Teaching Association,
Rozelle, 1992