
Methods and practice of teaching general science

Dr J J Loughran

12 points - 2 hours per week - Full-year subject - Clayton - Prerequisites: Bachelor of Science

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed knowledge and understandings of a diverse range of appropriate teaching strategies in science; constructivist approaches to teaching and learning in science; theory and practice associated with children's science; a variety of techniques in and application of practical (laboratory) work; science and its relevance and application in day-to-day life. Students should have developed skills which will enable them to present science as an inclusive and integral component in the school curriculum; reflect on practice; determine safe laboratory practice; write curriculum, development and implementation; develop classroom assessment in science; link teaching practice to learning theory. Students should have developed values or attitudes which value the diversity of background and prior knowledge of learners; recognise the role that ethnicity and cultural backgrounds play in the development of approaches to science; recognise the role of women in science; understand the relationship that science has with society and trends in societal development; value the work of students as individuals.

Synopsis Generally a student of this subject will have graduated as Bachelor of Science with at least two of three first-year science subjects: physics, chemistry and biology. Completion of all three is desirable. All students will be expected to participate in a camp to be held in March. The teaching approach in this subject focuses on how students learn science concepts in an attempt to help prospective science teachers better link their view of learning to their teaching practice.

Assessment A precondition for a pass in this method is a pass in practice teaching and 80% attendance at all timetabled classes. A satisfactory level of achievement is also required for each of the following tasks - Presentation: 25% - Formal report (3000 words): 50% - Portfolio: 25%

Prescribed texts

Osborne R and Freyburg P Learning in science: The implications of children's science Heinemann, 1985

Recommended texts

Bentley D and Watts M Learning and teaching in school science: Practical alternatives Open U P, 1989
Driver R The pupil as scientist Open U P, 1983
Driver R and others (eds) Children's ideas in science Open U P, 1985
Grant P and others Better links: Teaching strategies in the science classroom STAV Publishing
Hand B and Pain V Teaching and learning in science: The constructivist classroom Harcourt Brace, 1995
Victorian Board of Studies Curriculum and standards framework: Science VBOS, 1995

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