
Methods and practice of teaching commercial and business studies

Mr L Clement

12 points - 2 hours per week - Full-year subject - Clayton - Prerequisite: Accountancy for two years at recognised tertiary institution

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed knowledge and understandings about appropriate teaching strategies and resources for teaching commercial studies subjects such as accounting, business management, business studies (consumer education), keyboarding/introduction to computers; appropriate assessment techniques to measure students' progress and an understanding of the need to vary the forms of assessment to cater for mixed ability classes; appropriate courses in the curriculum and standards framework and relevant VCE studies.

Synopsis This subject is designed for those students intending to teach accounting and business management and its related subjects. The subject covers accounting and business management at the VCE level and commerce-related subjects taught at Years 7-10 such as business studies, consumer education and small business management. Students will be required to participate in workshop activities, prepare and evaluate curriculum materials and complete various class exercises.

Assessment A precondition for a pass in this method is a pass in practice teaching and a minimum of 80% attendance at all timetabled classes. A satisfactory level of achievement is also required for each of the following tasks - Written report (500 words): 20% - Two resource files: 20% - Teaching strategies exercise: 20% - Five case studies (300 words each): 20% - Unit of work: 20%

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