
Computers in education

Dr H J Pearson

8 points - Second semester - Distance

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have become familiar with the main microcomputer components and their function; be able to use major applications such as wordprocessing, databases, spreadsheet, graphics and communications software; be able to review and categorise educational software; be able to prepare an educational policy on the use of microcomputers in teaching/learning activities; become familiar with issues related to the use of microcomputers in educational settings; and planned a unit of work in which microcomputer software is used as a major resource.

Synopsis This subject examines hardware and software associated with the use of microcomputers in educational settings. Issues - such as software licensing requirements, access and equity, and keyboard skills - related to the planning and management of teaching and learning are also examined. Students examine the form and content of school policy documents in educational computing and plan a unit of work specifically focusing on the integration of microcomputer software in learning activities. Students are expected to become familiar with and use major applications (wordprocessing, databases, spreadsheets, and communications software) in locating resources, analysing information and presenting reports.

Assessment Two assignments (2000 words each): 50% each

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