
Parental involvement in literacy

Dr I S Walker

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed an understanding of the importance of the roles played by parents in the development of children's literacy; an awareness of some of the current attitudes towards parental involvement in the home and classroom; principles underlying parent involvement in the development of literacy; an ability to engage in a small-scale research project relating to the subject; and an understanding of the contribution research makes to an understanding of parental involvement in literacy.

Synopsis This subject is designed to provide students with an examination of recent developments in parental involvement practices in children's literacy. The study will focus on early childhood and primary school settings at the local, national and international levels. Students will explore a range of issues and practices in, and attitudes towards, parental roles in children's learning of literacy in the home and classroom. The subject will include reference to ongoing research in the field and students will be expected to participate in this by undertaking a small-scale research study.

Assessment Written report (2000 words): 30% - Oral presentation: 70%

Recommended texts

Cairney T and Munsie L Beyond tokenism: Parents as partners in literacy ARA, 1992
Hannon P Literacy, home and school: Research and practice in teaching literacy with parents Falmer, 1995
Wolfendale S Empowering parents and teachers: Working for children Cassell, 1992

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