
Methods and practice of teaching languages other than English (LOTE) B

Ms J A McGannon

12 points - 3 hours per week - Full-year subject - Clayton - Prerequisites: Major post-Year 12 in two languages - Corequisite: GED0523

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have a basic understanding of the second language acquisition (SLA) principles which influence current classroom teaching approaches in LOTE; have produced activities, units of work, assessment tasks which are related to current classroom practice; have developed a reflective approach to the teaching-learning of a LOTE in Victorian secondary schools; have the capacity to design and implement units of work in the LOTE across Years 5 to 12; be able to work in a variety of programs including mother tongue maintenance and foreign language (FL) and second language (L2) programs; be able to write LOTE curriculum and syllabus documents and to sustain an argument for the compulsory nature of LOTE programs from prep to Year 10; be able to develop lesson plans with appropriately expressed aims and objectives and which take into account the language learning strategies and experiences of a range of learners in particular classes in a specific school setting.

Synopsis This subject has two components: (a) special study in LOTE teaching; and (b) teaching a language not already chosen for GED0523. Students must have a major sequence in two of the following languages: Chinese Mandarin, French, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Modern Greek, Spanish, Korean.

Assessment A precondition for a pass in this method is a pass in practice teaching and 80% attendance at all timetabled classes. A satisfactory level of achievement is also required for each of the following tasks - Lesson plans: 40% - Unit of work: 50% - Written report (1000-1500 words): 10%

Prescribed texts

Victorian Board of Studies Curriculum and standards framework: LOTE VBOS, 1995
Victorian Board of Studies VCE study design (in appropriate languages), VBOS, 1995

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