
Educating and learning in the workplace

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

12 points - equivalent 3 hours per week (to be negotiated) - First semester (Tuesdays, 4.30-7.30 pm) - Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, participants should have examined and compared a range of current adult learning theories, examined these theories in the context of a range of settings where adult learning occurs, explored a range of practices and issues associated with the delivery of adult learning with the view to identifying aspects of appropriate practice to determine the essential characteristics for developing integrated and contextualised program content for workplace settings.

Synopsis This subject is designed for those interested in issues, debates and practices associated with program design, development and learning for the workplace. Relevant theories are examined, along with implications for practice. Participants will be encouraged to explore theories, methods and practices which are appropriate for their area of expertise within the field of adult and vocational education and training, and to make comparisons across a range of adult learning settings. This subject provides an opportunity for participants to draw together relevant theories and practice in adult learning with the view to enhancing their performance as educators working in the field of adult vocational education and training in various settings.

Assessment Assignment (2500 words): 40% - Assignment (3500 words) and associated class presentation: 60%

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