
Exploring Science

Lecturer in charge to be advised

6 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have an improved and broadened understanding of both science content and the nature of scientific knowledge; have explored some major scientific discoveries and the work of the scientists responsible for these discoveries; know how to use references, resources and learning technologies in researching and presenting current scientific information; have developed a positive attitude towards science and the teaching of science; have actively participated in all activities covered in this subject.

Synopsis This subject has been designed to build on a variety of student backgrounds in science. It has been written to allow students to develop their existing knowledge and understanding of science and relate this to the science content of the curriculum and standards framework series relating to science education. Aspects of biological, earth, chemical and physical sciences will be addressed in a way that avoids topics that only have relevance to the senior secondary level and will use the curriculum and standards framework series as a guide to select content that is often taught at the primary school level. Topics investigated will be approached from the perspective of real world contexts rather then from the theoretical framework of scientific disciplines. The process of scientific discovery will be investigated through studies of the work of a number of notable scientists. Finally, the use of learning technologies will be a key component of both research and presentation aspects of this subject assessment.

Assessment science discovery assignment (2000 words or equivalent) 40%, science discovery group presentation 30%, class test 30%
Hurdle Requirement: Attendance at 80% of lecturers and tutorials.

Prescribed Text

Brody D E and Brody A R The Science Class You Wish You Had Allen and Unwin 1998

Recommended Texts

Gribbin J lmost Everyone's Guide to Science Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1998
Hellman H Great Fudes in Science Wiley 1998

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