
Learning technologies across the curriculum

Lecturer in charge : To be advised

6 points - 2 hours per week - First and second semester - Clayton campus

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should understand in general terms the structure, organization and mode of operation of a multimedia computer system; Have developed basic understandings and user skills necessary for the effective use of a multimedia computer; Understand and appreciate the role of learning technologies in secondary education; Understand the issues and appreciate the potential of telecommunications as a teaching and learning tool; Possess a basic understanding of the concepts underlying word processing, desktop publishing, multimedia authoring, the Internet, presentation software, spreadsheets, and databases, and the rationale underpinning their use in the classroom; and Have developed an understanding of the logistics of using learning technologies as part of the teaching and learning process.

Synopsis This subject focuses on two main areas: the acquisition of technology skills and their integration into the classroom. The course content is in line with the Learning Technologies Teacher Capabilities Statement published by the Victorian Department of Education which defines a set of desired teacher capabilities, including attitudes, understandings and skills, for the effective application of learning technologies in all aspects of teaching and learning. Students will receive hands-on experience in a wide range of software applications including basic computer application software (eg word processing, database, spreadsheet), desktop publishing and presentation software, and multimedia applications. In addition, students will have the opportunity to use a range of telecommunications technologies (eg email, the World Wide Web) and sophisticated computer peripherals such as scanners, digital cameras and data projectors. They will examine the ways in which computers and related technologies can enhance their teaching and improve learning outcomes for students across the secondary curriculum. Key learning technologies initiatives currently being implemented by local , national and international education authorities will be examined including how learning technologies contribute to the achievement of the Curriculum and Standards Framework (CSF) outcomes and the VCE study designs. Issues such as classroom management and practice, the role of the teacher, copyright and privacy will be addressed and students will be given the opportunity to critically reflect on the quality of software applications and the educational value of integrating learning technologies into classroom practice.

Assessment Folio of practical activities (2000 words): 40% - Research essay/curriculum project (3000 words): 60%

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