
Classroom-based research in second-language education

Ms J M Harrington

12 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisite: one of the following: GED3823 (Theory and practice of TESOL) or GED3833 (Theory and practice of second-language education). Permission from the lecturer-in-charge prior to enrolment.

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to understand approaches to research in second-language classrooms; plan a small scale research project for a second-language classroom; make and transcribe a recording (audio or video) of a second-language class; closely analyse certain aspects of a second-language class.

Synopsis This subject considers recent second-language acquisition studies that have taken the language classroom as their focus. Such research looks in depth at what actually happens in language classrooms, including aspects of reflective practice, and treats such topics as the effectiveness of teacher talk as input to the language acquisition process; the special nature of classroom discourse; error treatment and correction; learner strategies; classroom practices that seem to enhance effective acquisition; research into reading and writing processes; and the assessment of learner progress in language classrooms.

Assessment Preliminary written assignment (2000 words): 20% - Oral class presentation: 20% - Final written assignment (4000 words): 60%

Recommended text

Ellis R Instructed second-language acquisition Blackwell, 1990

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