
Learning technologies: classroom publishing

Dr G I Romeo

8 points(6 points for BEd students) - 3 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula - Prerequisites: EDN2365 or EDN4422 or EDP2101 or equivalent

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to identify and discuss major computer innovations and applications and their likely impact on education; have developed a basic understanding of how the computer can be used in the primary classroom as a catalyst for the development of children's thinking; have developed advanced understandings and user skills necessary for the effective use of the computer; possess an advanced understanding of the concepts underlying Logo, word processing, desktop publishing, web publishing and the rationale underpinning their use in the classroom; and have developed a range of advanced procedures and practices for the effective use of the computer as a teaching and learning aid.

Synopsis This subject is designed to provide students with an opportunity to examine recent developments in the use of computer technology in the classroom, to develop the student's personal computer literacy and awareness, and to advance the student's awareness of the pedagogical issues surrounding learning technologies. Students will explore a range of issues and practices in, and attitudes towards, learning technologies as well as developing advanced skill in the use of word processing, desktop publishing, web publishing and Logo programming software. The subject will include reference to ongoing research in the field and students will be expected to complete a research essay, practical work and an examination.

Assessment Folio of practical work (1500 words; 1000 for BEd students): 20% - Research essay (2500 words; 2000 words for BEd students): 30% - Examination: 50%

Recommended texts

Department of Education Victoria Learning technologies: Teacher capabilities Department of Education Victoria, 1998
Goodwin R and Day R Exploring desktop publishing McGraw-Hill, 1997
Merrill P F and others Computers in education 3rd edn, Allyn and Bacon, 1996
Sharp V Computer education for teachers 2nd edn, Brown and Benchmark, 1996
Simonson M and Thompson A Educational computing foundations 3rd edn, Macmillan, 1997

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