
Curriculum Studies: Primary English 1

Associate Professor L. Cairns, Dr I. Walker

6 points. - 3 hours per week. - First semester. - Peninsula and Gippsland campuses - No prerequisites.

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject students should; be aware of the need for and the value of the Key Learning Area English in children's learning; demonstrate an awareness of a range of models and influences on children's language development; explain the similarities and differences among language development theories; outline the influences caregivers and families have on language development; differentiate between the language and social practices between educational settings and home; show an understanding of the place of English as a curriculum Key Learning area; outline a range of principal approaches to early oracy and literacy development including learning technologies; demonstrate an awareness of the significance of cultural factors and learning English as a second language.

Synopsis This subject provides the introduction to the major influences on language development in children appropriate for prospective teachers. The subject will examine relevant theoretical models and derived approaches as well as relate the study to practical implementation in educational settings. The focus on the early development of oracy and literacy and the role of caregivers and teachers will be a key feature. An introduction to the English curriculum as a fundamental Key Learning Area in schools and the teacher's role in facilitating language development, including a study of Learning Technologies relating to English will also be included.

Assessment Written assignment (2000 words) 60%, written examination 40%.Hurdle: Familiarity in using electronic software packages (word processing, publishing, databases and multimedia packages) suitable for English.

Prescribed Texts

Anstey M and Bull G The Literacy Labyrinth Sydney, Prentice Hall 1996
Emmitt M and Pollock J Language and Learning; An introduction for teaching, Oxford, Oxford University Press 1997
Fatouros C and Walters-Moore C Using Software in English, Marrickville, NSW, P.E.T.A. 1997

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