
Clinical behaviour therapy

Associate Professor N J King

12 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: An approved four-year sequence in psychology

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to: design and evaluate intervention programs for common emotional and behavioural problems across the life span; show mastery of fundamental clinical intervention skills; show an understanding of legal or ethical issues associated with behavioural intervention; show a knowledge of local human service systems relevant to the needs of the professional psychologist.

Synopsis Initially this subject emphasises the importance of traditional counselling skills in behavioural interventions. The lecture series subsequently focuses on advances in the behavioural assessment and treatment of common childhood behaviour problems such as the oppositional defiant disorder, internalizing disorders such as childhood anxiety disorders and school refusal, and common adult problems such as anxiety disorders, assertion problems and sleep disturbance. Supervised practical exercises aim to establish counselling skills and fundamental behavioural intervention skills (eg relaxation training, desensitisation, assertion training and cognitive therapy). Ethical and legal issues are emphasised throughout. Case management issues (eg keeping records) are also addressed.

Assessment Assignment (3000-5000 words): 70% - Practical exercise and written report (1500 words): 30%

Prescribed texts

Barlow D H (ed.) Clinical handbook of psychological disorders 2nd edn, Guilford, 1993
Sanders M R and Dadds M R Behavioural family intervention Allyn and Bacon, 1993

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