
The classroom and the bilingual/immersion teacher

Not offered in 1999

Dr M Gearon, Ms J A McGannon, Ms M Gindidis

12 points - 3 hours per week - Clayton - Distance - Prerequisites: A major post-Year 12 or its recognised equivalent in a language other than English and a recognised initial teaching qualification.

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to examine and reflect upon key aspects of a bilingual/immersion classroom; focus in-depth on one aspect of the teaching/learning situation in a bilingual/immersion class; develop procedures for appropriate reviewing and researching aspects of their language teaching practices; develop methods of gathering and analysing data related to aspects of bilingual/immersion teaching and learning.

Synopsis This subject aims to provide a link between the content of a LOTE methodology course and the two prior subjects required (establishing, maintaining and evaluating an immersion program and developing materials for content-based teaching) and their application in the classroom. The seminars will assist participants to understand the process of action research and provide a focus for analysing and improving classroom practice in an immersion context. They will also provide a background to the principles of reflective practice and journal keeping. The data collected will assist participants in the evaluation of the effectiveness of their immersion program to the process of second-language acquisition.

Assessment Journal (2000 words): 30% - Class presentation: 20% - Case study (3000 words): 50%

Recommended texts

Richards J C and Lockhart C Reflective teaching in second-language classroom CUP, 1994
Richards J C and Nunan D (eds) Second-language teacher education CUP, 1991

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