Ms R Bennett
6 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed knowledge and understanding of exercise prescription specific to a variety of sports, exercise technique, posture and back care, potential sports injury contraindications and risk factors and common sports injury types and treatment. Students should be able to apply these theoretical concepts and demonstrate skills in prescribing appropriate exercise programs to fulfil specified sporting needs, recognising contraindications and demonstrating correct exercise technique, basic casualty care and application of emergency first aid measures in the treatment of soft tissue injuries.
Synopsis This subject compliments concepts presented in EDP2203 and EDP2204. The subject increases students' knowledge and understanding of exercise prescription and the consequent risks of sports injuries, their nature and treatment. It expands on students' abilities in analysing sports and exercise safety factors and applying principles of instruction and training specific to the prevention of injuries.
Assessment Practical assessment of sports injury prevention: 60% - Examination: 40%
Recommended texts
Egger G and Champion N The fitness leaders' handbook 3rd
edn, Kangaroo Press, 1990
Peterson L and Renstrom P Sports injuries Methuen Australia, 1986