Lecturer-in-charge to be advised
6 points - 2 hours per week plus practicum of 15 days in primary schools - Second semester - Peninsula - Prerequisite: EDP2601
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to undertake teaching responsibilities and practise basic teaching skills in senior level grades for daily periods ranging from two hours to one week in duration; discuss and compare their off-campus experiences with the experiences of other students, reflecting on the teaching and class management styles they have encountered, exploring why teachers utilise different approaches and strategies; and demonstrate knowledge of the law as it affects their teaching role.
Synopsis In this subject students will focus on issues relating to their legal obligations in the classroom, including their liability for injury to children; duty of care issues in the school and whilst on excursions; education negligence; issues of confidentiality; copyright issues and the relationship of teachers to law enforcement authorities. The current laws relating to mandatory reporting will be considered, leading on to consideration of the circumstances requiring teachers to report suspected cases of child abuse and the evidence underlying the requirement to report.
Assessment Practicum: 60% - Examination: 40% - Eighty per cent attendance - Hurdle: satisfactory standard in all assessment tasks
Recommended texts
Edwards J (ed.) Australian schools and the law LBC
Information Services, 1997
Ramsay I M and Shorten A R Education and the law Butterworths, 1996
Tronc K and Sleigh D Australian teachers and the law Butterworths,