
Learning and researching in work-related contexts

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to understand the contribution of research in the evolving role of the teacher/trainer in the workplace; develop a range of study and research skills, with particular emphasis on applied research relevant to workplace learning; and apply various methods and skills to enhance their own practice and professional development as adult educators.

Synopsis This subject covers a range of information and skills designed to enhance students' abilities and attributes as practitioners in the field of adult learning and development. This is accomplished through creating an understanding to the contribution of research in the role of the teacher/trainer in work related contexts; the introduction of study and research skills relevant to effective development, delivery and evaluation of workplace learning; and creating awareness to the value of ongoing professional development for practitioners in this field.

Assessment All tasks to be negotiated but written material equivalent to 4000 words - Portfolio on study skills: 40% - Portfolio on research skills: 40% - Critical report: 20%

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