
Socio-cultural elements of sport and the individual

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Gippsland

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have acquired an understanding of the concepts of sport and play; acquired an understanding of the historical development of sport in Australia; developed their own philosophy of sport and be able to identify the main sociological theories as they apply to sport and recreation; understand the psychological conditions, motivations and outcomes of sport; be aware of the interrelationship between the individual motivation to recreate and the varying contexts where this can occur; have an understanding of the relationships between humans and nature and have developed competencies and an understanding of current practices in aquatics, including swimming and water safety.

Synopsis In this subject students are introduced to philosophical, social and psychological concepts as they pertain to sport play. Acquisition of this knowledge provides students with a theoretical and contextual framework for subsequent subjects in the course and assists in the development of their own personal and professional philosophy of sport and play. This will enable students to practice the professional management of sport with a diversity of groups. The subject encourages reflection on the value and style of sport and play in students' own lives and the lives of others. Environmental contexts in which sport and play occur are introduced and an understanding of the behaviour of individuals and communities involved in these activities is developed. Experiential learning in the area of aquatics compounds the theoretical and contextual awareness at a practical level.

Assessment Assignment work and journal: 45% - Field observation report: 15% - Skill performance assessment: 15% - Examination (1 hour): 25%

Recommended texts

Bammel G and Bammel L Leisure and human behaviour W C Brown, 1992
Biddle S and Mutrie N Psychology of physical activity and exercise: A health-related perspective Springer Verlag, 1991
Directorate of School Education Physical and sport education for Victorian schools DSE, 1993
Driver B L, Brown P J and Peterson G L (eds) Benefits of leisure Venture, 1991
Dunning E G, Maguire J A and Perton R E A sports process Human Kinetics, 1993
Iso-Ahola S Social psychological perspectives on leisure and recreation Charles C Thomas, 1980
Jackson E L and Burtonn T L Understanding leisure and recreation: Mapping the past, charting the future Venture, 1989
KcKay J No pain, no gain? Sport and Australian culture Prentice-Hall, 1991
Rohnke K Cowstails and cobras II: A guide to games initiatives ropes courses and adventure curriculum Kendall-Hunt, 1989

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