
Reading: theory, research and practice

Associate Professor L G Cairns

12 points - Second semester - Distance

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to outline a number of key theories and models of the reading process; evaluate the competing ideologies which are current in the reading field; outline the current approaches to teaching in reading and the contested issues therein; critically assess and report on the range of views, research and practice implications current in the field; and critically assess their own position on theories and teaching approaches to reading.

Synopsis This subject examines the models and theories of the reading process, including an examination of the early development of reading, the development of reading in the primary, teenage and adult years. Aspects of assessment of reading and remediation and recovery are treated, as is the research and practice in modern areas such as technology.

Assessment Two written assignments (one a practical application task, one a theoretical report/essay) (3000 words each): 50% each

Recommended texts

Adams M J Beginning to read MIT Press, 1992
Bull G and Anstey M (eds) The literacy lexicon Prentice-Hall, 1996

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