
The psychology of the gifted child

Dr J M Deppeler and Ms L Kronborg

12 points - Second semester - Winter school (weekend and school holidays in late June) - Clayton - This subject is also offered in the Postgraduate Certificate of Gifted Education

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to demonstrate basic knowledge of concepts of giftedness, creativity and procedures for assessment of these characteristics in children; knowledge and understanding of the social-emotional development of gifted and talented students; understanding of basic issues in counselling gifted children and their families; major approaches to education of gifted and talented children. Students should develop a detailed knowledge of a major aspect of the psychology or education of gifted children.

Synopsis This subject will focus upon psychological aspects of the development and functioning of gifted and talented children and adolescents. Topics will include psychological tests of intelligence and personality and problems in their use; intellectual, emotional and social development, and the interplay between creativity, thinking skills and the structure of intelligence. Other issues will deal with procedures for counselling gifted students and their families.

Assessment A triple-entry notebook to record summaries and reflections on assigned readings (4000 words): 45% - Case study or individual project/paper (2500 words): 55%

Recommended texts

Colangelo N and Davis G Handbook of gifted education 2nd edn, Allyn and Bacon, 1997
Kerr B A handbook for counselling the gifted and talented American Association for Counselling and Development, 1991
Silverman L K Counselling the gifted and talented Love Publishing Company, 1993

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