
Behavioural problems in children

Dr L Bartak

12 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prohibitions: GED1619 and GED1831 - Prerequisite: GED1811 or GED1828

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to demonstrate basic knowledge of concepts of normality and abnormality in human behaviour; sources of variation in children's behaviour and problems arising from them; principles of behavioural intervention; major categories of behavioural disturbance in children and adolescents, possible causes and possibilities for intervention in the classroom. Students should have developed the skill to critically evaluate published research in a relevant area of special education and a detailed knowledge of a major area of behavioural disturbance.

Synopsis This subject introduces approaches to understanding and dealing with behaviour problems in children and adolescents. Outline of the nature of problem behaviour and ways of describing it. Integration of behaviourally disturbed children in regular settings. Students will be expected to participate in regular lectures and discussions as well as individually negotiated practical work.

Assessment Report (1000 words): 20% - Assignment (4000 words): 80%

Prescribed texts

Erickson M T Behaviour disorders of children and adolescents 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1997

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