
Exceptionality: assessment and intervention

Dr J M Deppeler and Dr D H P Harvey

12 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Only available to students in MPsych - Prerequisites: An approved four-year sequence in psychology, GED1838

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have an understanding of the principles which influence current approaches for individuals with special needs; and have developed knowledge and skills appropriate to professional practice.
Synopsis This subject focuses on the psycho-educational study of exceptional children and adolescents. Attention will be given to learners with disabilities as well as those with academic and other talents. Areas covered will include definitions and theoretical concepts, characteristics and classification, collaborative consultation and contemporary approaches to psychological and educational assessment and instructional planning, across a range of human service systems. This subject is designed to extend their theoretical and practical knowledge regarding individuals with special needs throughout their life span. Contemporary legal, ethical and cross-cultural issues that face families and the professionals who work with them will be examined along with practical skills for facilitating effective communication and collaboration.

Assessment Essay (2500-3000 words): 30% - Case study: 40% - Examination: 30%

Recommended texts

Ashman A and Conway R Using cognitive methods in the classroom Routledge, 1993
Ashman A and Elkins J Educating children with special needs Prentice-Hall, 1994
Cole P and Chan L Methods and strategies for special education Prentice-Hall, 1990
Directorate of School Education Course advice: Students with disabilities and impairments, English Department of Education, Vic., 1996
American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV) American Psychiatric Association, 1994
Foreman P Integration and inclusion in action Harcourt Brace, 1996
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department A user guide to the disability discrimination act Villamanta Publishing Service, 1995
Kaufman A S Intelligent testing with the WISC-III Wiley, 1994
Riche V Everyday social interaction: A program for people with disabilities 2nd edn, Maclennan and Petty, 1996
Sattler J M WISC-111 and WPPS-R supplement Sattler, 1992

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