
Child development 3: child health and safety

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

6 points * 2 hours per week * Second semester * Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed knowledge and understanding of the issues involved in maintaining a safe and healthy early childhood environment; have an awareness of the legislative and quality assurance requirements which relate to health, safety and nutrition matters in children's services; have a respect for the social and cultural differences which influence family lifestyles in relation to health, safety and nutrition issues; be able to demonstrate appropriate health and safety practices when on their practicum placements in children's services, as well as appropriate professional practice when working with the hospitalised child.

Synopsis This subject will provide students with a broad understanding of the principles, practices and issues relating to health, safety and nutrition in children's services. The legal and quality assurance requirements, as well as the social and cultural contexts relating to these matters, will be addressed. Students will examine the environmental, resource and staffing implications in the maintenance of high quality health, safety and nutrition standards within children's services. The particular issues associated with hospitalisation for young children will be examined.

Assessment Literature review (1500-2000 words): 40% * Examination: 60%

Recommended texts

Bell C Highlighting health: A discussion of health practices and accreditation Australian Early Childhood Association, 1995
Department of Human Services and Health Staying healthy in childcare: Preventing infectious diseases in child care 2nd edn, AGPS, 1997

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