
Teaching and curriculum studies 1A

Dr K E Stead

6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Gippsland

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have reflected on themselves as learners and become more effective learners as a consequence; have experienced both observation and understanding of children as learners; have become aware of the role of children's literature in learning; have developed both understanding of learning and a positive approach to the curriculum areas of language, mathematics and science; be able to demonstrate wordprocessing and information retrieval skills.

Synopsis This subject has as its focus the learner: both the university student and the child as learner. This first-year subject seeks to have students examine learning and learners with specific concentration on language, mathematics and science to introduce prospective teachers to fundamental elements which underpin teaching and curriculum.

Assessment Three assignments: 20%, 20% and 20% - Examination (2 hours): 40% - Hurdle requirements: 80% attendance and participation in class and satisfactory standard in all assessment items

Required texts

Anstey M and Bull G The literacy labyrinth Prentice-Hall, 1996
Bowden G Guided information technology using Clarisworks on the Macintosh Coghill, 1993
Directorate of School Education Mathematics course advice primary Directorate of School Education, 1995
Stead K E Learning skills for tertiary students: The workbook Professional Learning Systems, 1998

Recommended texts

Emmitt M and Pollock J Language and learning Oxford University Press, 1991 and 1997
Huck C Children's literature in the elementary school 3rd edn, Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1976

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