Lecturer-in-charge to be advised
6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed the skills and confidence to reflect on their own experience and practice; be able to articulate their own experiences within personal, familial and educational contexts; appreciate the role these experiences have in shaping individual and public views about attitudes towards, and manifestations of, teaching and learning; relate their own experiences to other personal and public representations of families and schools; and identify the role played by individual and collective experiences in the development of cultural, gender and social values and attitudes.
Synopsis This subject will provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their image of themselves, schools and families and the important relationships that exist between these images in the formation of views of and attitudes towards teaching and learning. The subject will highlight the values, expectations and images students bring with them which have already been, or currently are being, formed by their personal experiences as an individual, as a member of a family and wider community, and with schooling. Students will review these experiences through an examination of public images of families and schools represented in the media and in the voices of those around them and explore their impact on teaching and learning.
Assessment Folio items (2000 words): 30% - Assignment - reflection on a learning experience (1000 words): 30% - Study of a contemporary issue (1000 words): 40% - All practicum requirements must be satisfied to pass this subject
Recommended texts
McRae D Teachers, schools and change Heinemann, 1988
Weber S and Mitchell C That's funny, you don't look like a teacher
Falmer Press, 1995