
Field studies

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

6 points - 3 hours per week plus fieldwork - First or second semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have a sound understanding of the theory and practice involved in developing appropriate programs for children's services. Students should have demonstrated during their practicum placements the ability to work as an early childhood professional in conjunction with staff and parents.

Synopsis Strand 'A' on-campus: This strand will consist of briefing/debriefing and tutorial sessions designed to prepare and support students on field experience placements. Strand 'B' off- campus: Placements will include visits to a range of early childhood services including childcare centres, early intervention centres and family day care schemes. In addition, each student will undertake a four to six week placement in a child care centre (other than their workplace).

Assessment Hurdle: Satisfactory standard in all block placements: 50% - Written documentation of practicum experience and : programming activity (3000 words): 50% - This subject will be graded PGO (no higher grade available in subject) or NN (fail)

Recommended texts

Beaty J Observing development of the young child 2nd edn, Merrill, 1990
Hughes F P Children, play and development Allyn and Bacon, 1991
Weiser M Infant/toddler care and education 2nd edn, Merrill, 1991

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