
Principles and practices of child health and safety

Ms A Kennedy

6 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the caregiver's role in dealing with illness and accidents in children's services; plan appropriate food service delivery for children 0-5 years; identify the issues and legal requirements involved in maintaining a safe children's service environment.

Synopsis A detailed examination of the role of the caregiver in the assessment, support and management of sick children in care settings. Infection control, diet and nutrition practices, first aid and the maintenance of a safe environment in children's services will be examined. A specific focus on the needs of the vulnerable child in care will be addressed in this subject.

Assessment Seminar paper (3000 words): 50% - Examination: 50%

Recommended texts

Brown J F (ed.) Administering programs for young children NAEYC, 1984
Marotz L R and others Health, safety and nutrition for the young child 2nd edn, Delmar, 1989
National Childcare Accreditation Council Putting children first: Quality improvement and accreditation handbook National Childcare Accreditation Council, 1995

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