Ms A Forsyth
6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject students should have been challenged to think about, question and explore a variety of school systems which differ from those within their own experience; have begun to understand the ways in which school systems can be understood as particular interactive communities consisting of lobbyists, administrators, teachers, parents and students; have been introduced to a range of educational perspectives which enable the student to view educational issues in a number of different ways; have become curious about the ways a range of factors shape the nature and definitions of what it means to be a teacher; have developed a critical perspective on their own schooling.
Synopsis This subject will provide a broad picture of school systems and school communities through time in a range of different settings from the vantage point of seeing these as interactive communities of administrators, teachers, parents and students. Special emphasis will be devoted to secondary schooling and its students but not at the expense of other educational and training sectors. Various perspectives - social, political, historical and philosophical - will be presented as an introduction to an understanding of the making and working of different schools and school communities and as an introduction to the different ways in which it is possible to examine educational issues and perspectives.
Assessment Participation in workshops: 10% - Media presentation and writing task: 20% - A social autobiography: 30% - Interview/report/ essay (2000 words): 40%
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