
Introduction to Special Needs Students

Mr Tim Loreman

6 points - 2 hours per week - First semester. - Clayton - Prerequisites: Nil

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have acquired:
A detailed knowledge of the implications of disabilities from an educational and developmental perspective. Familiarity with the wide range of varying abilities of students. An understanding of adaptations necessary for the school setting and instructional style. Knowledge of additional services available to support student needs. Familiarity with the range of assessment procedures used for screening and identification including both formal and informal observations. Skills necessary to construct checklists and inventories for assessment. An awareness of policy at the school, state and national level.
Synopsis In recent years there has been a marked increase in the number of children and adolescents with special needs entering the regular school. This subject will introduce the diverse range of students with disabilities and impairments who have a significant representation in today's classroom. Specialised topics will be presented which will give a broad overview to the field of special education.

Assessment Essay 1500 words(25%) Information folder(25%) Two Ckecklists/Inventories(25%)
Essay 1500 words(25%)

Recommended readings

Ashman A and Elkins J Educating children with special needs 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, Australia, 1998
Batshaw M L Children with disabilities 4th edition, Maclennan & Petty, Sydney Australia 1997
Victorian Board of Studies Curriculum and Standards Framework Carlton: Board of Studies 1998
Department of Education Handbook program for students with disabilities and impairments books 1 - 4, 1998

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