
The impact of computer technology on education and society

Not offered in 1999

Associate Professor A B N McDougall

12 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed an awareness of the impact of computer and related technologies on various aspects of contemporary society and an understanding of the interactions of this with education; and a critical understanding of the implications for policies, practices and potential for computer use in education.

Synopsis This subject will provide students with an introduction to and an overview of many of the issues in the use of computer technology in education and society. Topics will include selection, siting, maintenance and management of computers for school use, selection of software, and classroom organisation and teaching approaches for integration of computer use into the curriculum.

Assessment Two short papers (1000 words each) with class presentations: 25% each - Two essays (1500 words each): 25% each

Recommended texts

McDougall A and Betts J Learning with the media of their time Computing in Education Group of Victoria, 1997
Papert S Mindstorms: Children, computers and powerful ideas Harvester, 1980
Papert S The children's machine Basic Books, 1993

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