
Administration and issues in early childhood services

Not offered in 1999

Ms A Kennedy

4 points - 2 hours per week - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have knowledge and understanding of the important factors relating to effective management of children's services; the factors to consider when determining school readiness and the decision to recommend promotion or retention; how to provide effective transition programs for children into and out of early childhood programs. Students should be able to demonstrate the skills of undertaking basic administrative tasks whilst on field experience placement; preparing an administrative file which is a personal professional resource to be used when working in children's services. Students should have developed a respect for the necessity of being an effective administrator when working in children's services; and a belief in their own ability to meet the challenges of administration or management in children's services.

Synopsis This subject consists of two strands. The first strand will consider topics related to the administration of early childhood services, including management strategies, legal responsibilities and record keeping. In the second strand, the students will examine some of the issues in Australian early childhood education, including school entry age, school readiness, transition and alternative programs. Both strands will be considered in the context of professional ethics for early childhood teachers.

Assessment Essay and resources collection: 50% - Examination: 50%

Prescribed texts

Blyth E Administration and program development in EC centres RMIT, 1993

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