
Visual Art in Early Childhood

R. Greaves

6 points - 2 hours per week - Second Semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon completion of this subject students should have a detailed knowledge of the natural development of young children's visual symbols and the evolution of these symbols as the child matures; developed an understanding of the ways in which young children use three-dimensional materials in the visual art process and be familiar with the preparation and selection of these materials; developed an understanding of, and skills in, a range of developmentally appropriate early childhood visual arts experiences; and translated these skills to suit the developmental needs of the young child.

Synopsis As young children use a variety of visual art processes and media for personal expression prior to developing formal writing skills, it is essential that teachers working in this field develop an understanding of these processes early in their careers. This subject will look closely at the natural development of young children'' drawn symbols, their approach to the painting process and how they explore other media. During the unit students will be asked to explore ways in which adults can assist with the natural progress of this expression and how conversely, adult interference can work against children having access to art as a means of free expression. Students will be asked to explore their own art history and consider where attitudes they now hold toward art may have been fostered. Students will be expected to work with the materials and processes used by young children and develop a sound knowledge of the preparation and maintenance of these materials.

Assessment Child art collection with written text (2000 word equivalent) 70% - Collection of
materials, processes and recipes suitable use with young children 30%.

Recommended texts

Ashton L Repositiioning Children's Drawings Development: From Rungs to Rings, Australian Art Education, Volume 20 Number 3 pp 3-16 Wollongong 1997
Dover H et al Artmaps Ministry of Education, 1986
Edwards C, Gandin L & Forman G (eds) The Hundred Languages of Children: the Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood Education. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing, 1993
Greaves R Child Art: A Parent's Handbook (2nd edition) Art Craft Teachers' Association, 1990
The Arts in Early Childhood Programs Australian Early Childhood Association, 1990
Wright S et al The Arts in Early Childhood Prentice Hall, 1991

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