
Outdoor education

Mr A J Cope

8 points - First semester - Distance

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have acquired an understanding of philosophical influences in the development of outdoor education in Australia; have developed a critical review of current practices in the conduct of outdoor education programs; have developed an understanding of current practices of a specific area within outdoor education; have reviewed recent relevant research in the field of outdoor education curriculum.

Synopsis In Australia the term 'outdoor education' is broadly used to cover a plethora of school, commercial and community activities. This subject will identify the range of activities conducted under the broad term of outdoor education. The subject will focus on the study of the philosophy, principles and practices related to the delivery of outdoor education programs in a broad range of settings. Areas of study will be selected from adventure education, experienced-based training and development, adventure therapy, challenge programs and school programs. The subject will provide students with an opportunity to undertake applied approaches to the subject area and it is expected that students will undertake a participatory approach in the completion of the project assessment task. An optional workshop utilising the Gippsland campus high and low ropes course will be offered.

Assessment Assignment 1 (2000 words): 50% - Assignment 2 (2000 words): 50%

Prescribed texts

Warren K, Sakofs M and Hunt J Theory of experiential education 3rd edn, Kendall/Hunt, 1995

Recommended texts

Abbott C Outdoor education: Proceedings of the 7th national conference, Australia, outdoor education, the quest for quality Victorian Outdoor Education Association, 1994
Gray T and Hayllar B Catalysts for change: Proceedings of the 10th national outdoor education conference The Australian Outdoor Education Council, 1997
MacRae K Outdoor and environmental education Macmillan, 1990
Mortlock C The adventure alternative Cicerone Press, 1987
Rohnke K Cowstails and cobras II: A guide to games, initiatives, ropes courses and adventure curriculum Kendall/Hunt, 1989

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