
Advanced studies in educational research and practice 1

Associate Professor T Seddon

12 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to understand major contemporary debates in professional practice; familiarise themselves with theoretical orientations in the field and the way these orientations contribute to professional practice; consider understandings of relevant issues as these are current within the profession and juxtapose these to analyses offered through the research literature; explore the theoretical framings appropriate to the students' own individual research endeavours.

Synopsis This subject is the first of two compulsory core subjects for all beginning EdD students. However, EdD students who commenced before 1997 can also take each half as a semester-long elective subject. The first semester subject will provide students with opportunities to acquire an advanced understanding of issues and debates in professional practice and the way that research has contributed to them in terms of enabling understanding and action. The consideration of these interfaces between professional practice and research is organised through four modules which examine the practice-policy-research nexus in the context of teaching and learning, curriculum and policy and management. By enabling students to explore issues central to professional practice, this subject will provide them with a strong base upon which they are encouraged to develop and consolidate their specialist research program. The subject complements the work done through further elective subjects and thesis preparation and completion.

Assessment One major research essay (8000 words): 100%

Recommended texts

Baird J R and Northfield J R Learning from the PEEL experience 2nd edn, PEEL Publishing, 1995
Evers C W and Lakomski G Exploring educational administration Pergamon, 1996
Grundy S Curriculum: Product or praxis Falmer, 1987
Hargraves A and Goodson I Teachers' professional lives Falmer, 1996
Marginson S Education and public policy CUP, 1993
Shulman L S 'Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform' in Harvard Educational Review 57:1, 1987

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