
Contexts of adult learning and development: workplace and community

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have an understanding of the historical context of national and state provision of adult and vocational education and training; be able to examine current adult and vocational education and training policies and their impact on educational practice, administration and management; be able to explore the implications of current adult and vocational education and training policies on teaching and learning issues encountered in workplaces and communities.

Synopsis This subject will contextualise trends and issues in adult learning as they relate to social, political and economic imperatives underlying recent and current policy development. This subject will draw on the connections between policy and practice and highlight the impact of recent training reforms on educational practice, administration and management. It will track the move from classroom to workplace based learning which has underpinned state, national and international reforms in vocational education and training. It will place particular emphasis on the National Training Framework to understand its constitutive components and explore its impact on the design and delivery of work related learning, workplace competence and related assessment issues.

Assessment All tasks to be negotiated but written material equivalent to 4000 words - Reading review: 35% - Policy review: 20% - Report: 45%

Recommended texts

Harris R, Guthrie H, Hobart B and Lundberg D Competency-based education and training: Between a rock and a whirlpool McMillan, 1995
Marginson S Education and public policy in Australia Ch 3, 7, 8, Cambridge University Press, 1993

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