Ms G Burke
6 and 8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula - Quota 20 - Levy fee approx. $30 - Prerequisites: EDP1303 or EDP1304
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have demonstrated fundamental skills in computer art processes such as electronic image creation, manipulation, editing, scanning and digital photography along with further understanding of resolution and translation requirements between various software programs; have experimented with a range of output options including digital prints, slide shows and mixed media artworks as well as further developed skills in design, drawing and typography; have an awareness of contemporary art practice and theory and a growing understanding of the role of computer art within studio practice, the school curriculum and the society in general; have further developed an understanding of relevant terminology and become familiar with a wide range of literature; have been encouraged to develop personal expression by investigation of a chosen theme, leading to one (six points) or two (eight points) major art works.
Synopsis Students will have the opportunity to develop technical and conceptual skills in a selection of computer-art programs and will apply these skills to different methods of production ranging from digital prints to slide shows and mixed media artworks. Students will be expected to develop drawing and design expertise along with basic typography skills. The subject will include research on art theory and practice through lectures and seminars, excursions to galleries and schools, leading to developing strategies and activities for studio and classroom application.
Assessment (6 points) Seminar paper (1000 words): 20% -
Folio comprising one practical piece, drawing and proof folio, and resource
folder: 80%
Assessment (8 points) Seminar paper (2000 words): 20% - Folio comprising
two practical pieces, drawing and proof folio, and resource folder: 80%
Recommended texts
Education Victoria A.C.A.M. - Arts, Computing and Multimedia
Resource Guide A joint ACTA/CEGV Professional Development Program, 1997
Ferres S and Ferres G Mouse art: Creating art on the computer McGraw
Hill, 1998
Rucker R, Sirius R U and Mu Queen Mondo 2000: A user's guide to the new
edge Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1992
Williams D and Simpson C Art now - Contemporary art post-1970 McGraw
Hill, 1994