Dr J J Loughran and Professor R F Gunstone
6 points - 2 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be aware of a range of alternative teaching approaches in science; be able to recognise alternative conceptions in students' learning about science; be aware of current issues and developments in the teaching of science; have developed techniques that link science learning to learning outside of formal science classes; have furthered their understanding of science curriculum and developed strategies for its teaching; have explored a variety of techniques that assess students' learning in science; be aware of a range of alternative approaches to science laboratory experiences.
Synopsis This subject extends students' knowledge of science teaching and learning and builds on both their experiences from method and teaching rounds as well as introducing them to trends and issues in science teaching and research. The subject is specifically designed to highlight the importance of an understanding of students' learning about science, alternative conceptions and the development of pedagogy that is appropriate for addressing the specific needs of concept development in science.
Assessment Assignments (3000 words): 60% - Laboratory reports: 20% - Interview with a science student to explore learning in science (1000 words): 20%
Recommended texts
Baird J R and Northfield J R Learning from the PEEL
experience 2nd edn, PEEL publications, 1995
Driver R, Guesne E and Tiberghien A (eds) Children's ideas in science
Open University Press, 1985
Fensham P J, Gunstone R F and White R T (eds) The content of science
Falmer Press, 1994
Loughran J J and Northfield J R Opening the classroom door: Teacher,
learner, researcher Falmer Press, 1996
Osborne R and Freyburg P Learning in science: The implications of children's
science Heinemann Press, 1985
White R T and Gunstone R F Probing understanding Falmer Press, 1992
Woolnough B E Effective science teaching Open University Press, 1994