
Human Development and Biophysical Foundations B

Lecturer in charge to be advised

6 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Gippsland campus - Prerequisite: EDG1502 or equivalent

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should have acquired a knowledge of the physical growth and motor characteristics of humans throughout the lifespan, able to apply the basic principles of exercise physiology, motor learning and control to sport and outdoor recreation.
Gained a practical appreciation of exercise physiology, motor learning and control to sport and outdoor recreation, developed an ability to utilise and measure exercise physiology, motor learning and control and developmental concepts in practice. Developed competencies and understanding of safe practices specifically to the events of track and field
Synopsis In this subject students are introduced to stages of human development and changes in the human form over the course of the lifespan as it relates to sport and outdoor recreation. Major sports, fitness techniques and outdoor skills will be introduced in a biophysical context with the opportunity to:- develop an understanding of human growth and development: understand the principles underpinning exercise physiology, motor learning and control; become familiar with laboratory practice and data handling in human exercise physiology, motor learning and control; develop sport and outdoor recreation skills and link them to theories of human development.

Assessment Laboratories - 20%, Skill performance - 20%, Examination - 60%

Recommended texts

Abernethy A B, Kippers V, Mackinnon L T, Neal R J, Hanrahan S J The Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd 1996
Thompson C W, Floyd R T, (13th ed), Manual of Structural Kinesiology, McGraw-Hill NY 1996
Freiberg K Human Development: A Lifespan Approach 1992
Tanner J M Foetus into Man: Physical Growth from Conception to Maturity (2nd edn) Castlemead, Ware, England 1989
Schmidt R A Motor Learning and Performance. From Theory to Practice Human Kinetics, Champaign, Illinois 1991
Shephard R J Physical Activity and Aging (2nd edn) Aspen, Rockville, ML. 1987
Powers & Howley E T Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application in Fitness and Performance Wm C Brown
Vander A J, Sherman J H and Luciano D S Human Physiology - The Mechanisms of Body Function (5th edn) McGraw Hill 1990

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