
Policy studies: education, economy and society

Not offered in 1999

Associate Professor G Burke, Associate Professor L B Angus and Associate Professor T L Seddon

12 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to understand the major approaches to educational policy analysis; apply particular approaches to the analysis of current policies; demonstrate skills in the collection of data from a range of sources and in the formulation of a research project.

Synopsis The subject focuses on policy analysis and policy review. It considers the nature of policy and its formulation and implementation; the economic and political context; approaches to the evaluation of policy; the role of research and the researcher in policy analysis. The subject will include lectures and seminars but a major emphasis will be on helping students to develop techniques in the preparation and presentation of an independent study. The main focus will be on policies in Victoria and Australia. Students will be expected to undertake a case study of particular policies, eg senior colleges, national curriculum, competency-based education, the Victorian Certificate of Education, state-wide monitoring of pupil performance; government funding of non-government schools, college-based nursing education, or policies of their own choice.

Assessment Assignments (6000 words): 100%

Recommended texts

Angus L and Brown L Becoming a 'School of the Future': The micropolitics of policy implementation Faculty of Education, Monash University, 1997
Marginson S Education and public policy in Australia CUP, 1993
Taylor S, Rizvi F and Lingard B Educational policy and the politics of change Routledge, 1997

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