
Exploring international education in the Asia-Pacific region

Professor F A Rizvi

12 points - Summer semester - Distance (together with the option of studying abroad)- Note: For 1999, arrangements are being negotiated with Nanyang Technological University Singapore, the University of Malaya (KL) and Pukyong National University Korea. In subsequent years other options may be substituted.

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to conduct a case study of the educational system in a selected country within the Asia-Pacific region; provide an account of the ways in which educational issues in that country are affected by the processes of globalisation and the ways in which they are being addressed by policymakers and educators; explore the nature, size and reasons for the international flow of students, staff and courses between that country and Australia; understand how (and why) an inter-institutional agreement might be negotiated between a faculty of a university, a TAFE institute or a school in Australia and an appropriate educational institution in the selected country.

Synopsis This subject will enable students to explore various aspects of the educational system of a selected country within the Asia-Pacific region. The main focus of this exploration is to investigate links between culture and educational opportunities within the broader framework of globalisation, and the movement of students and courses between Australia and the selected country. This subject also enables students to develop a set of informed views about the future of educational relationship between Australia and its neighbours, and how this relationship might be enhanced by approaches to education that are culturally sensitive. The subject is offered during the summer semester and students may either conduct their case study of any country within the Asia-Pacific region utilising local library and other resources or they may opt to travel to Asia to participate in a three-week 'customised' summer school offered by arrangement by one of three universities in Asia with whom the Monash Faculty of Education has developed collaborative relationship. The costs of travel and accommodation will be met by the student.

Assessment Major report (6000 words): 100%

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