
Work, organisation and learning

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to describe in sociological terms the concepts of work, organisation and learning; identify and understand the essential links between work, organisation and learning; develop a greater awareness of the relationships between these concepts not only in their own work setting, but also in both national and international contexts; and develop the capacity to constructively use this knowledge when developing educational content in their area of expertise to ensure appropriate contextualising of the content.

Synopsis This subject will introduce students to the concepts of work, organisation and learning from a sociological perspective. It will focus on the significance of, and links between, these concepts in the context of both the Australian and global communities with emphasis on: the changing nature of work and organisational structures; the emergence of non-traditional educational settings; and the role of the educator/ trainer in continuing, or lifelong education.

Assessment All tasks to be negotiated but written material equivalent to 4000 words - Reading review: 20% - Small group presentation: 30% - Presentation package (ie topic content and resources): 50%

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