
Research essay

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

12 points - 3 hours per week - First or second semester - Clayton

Synopsis Doctor of Education students may take one research essay as one of their electives for the EdD coursework component, when their particular interests cannot be met by the electives being offered. The research essay can take one of two formats: Format 1 enables the student to access subjects outside the EdD schedule and integrate them into their elective choices. It requires the student to audit a subject, complete additional reading as specified by the lecturer in charge, and prepare an 8000-word essay (or equivalent) at a standard appropriate to doctoral level. Students should consult with the lecturer in charge to determine the feasibility of this option. Format 2 is only available in exceptional cases. It enables the student to access specific aspects of staff expertise which are not available through other subjects. It requires the student to negotiate a reading program with an individual staff member and prepare an 8000-word essay (or equivalent) at a standard appropriate to doctoral level work. Prior permission of the Research Degrees Committee must be obtained on the appropriate form which is available from the Research Degrees Office, Faculty of Education, Clayton campus. This permission should be obtained before the commencement of each semester.

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