
Mathematics education 4

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should know about use of learning materials, resources and programs available for teaching primary school mathematics; understand the formal and informal assessment methods used by teachers to record student progress in mathematics; be aware of current issues associated with mathematics education.

Synopsis This subject examines courses of study, curriculum guides and handbooks that teachers regard as resource material. Assessment and evaluation procedures are studied, together with appropriate statistical methods. Practical application of computers to the mathematics classroom will be undertaken. An emphasis will be placed on the integrated curriculum by developing links between mathematics and language.

Assessment Seminar paper (5000 words): 40% - Written report (3000 words): 30% - Folio: 30%

Recommended texts

Mokros R E Beyond arithmetic Dale Seymour, 1995
Reys R E, Suydam M U and Lindquist M M Helping children learn mathematics 5th edn, Allyn and Bacon, 1998

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