
Practicum studies 1

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

6 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to undertake teaching responsibilities and to practise basic teaching skills in grades for daily periods ranging from one to two hours in duration; discuss and compare their practicum experiences with the experiences of other students, reflecting on the teaching and class management styles they have encountered, exploring why teachers utilise different approaches and strategies; discuss the basic teaching model in terms of framing and formulating lesson aims and objectives, establishing pupil entering behaviour, determining and using instructional aids, sequencing instruction, and evaluating lesson outcomes; demonstrate an understanding of simple disciplinary strategies conducive to maintaining classroom discipline and management; examine and discuss alternative theories and approaches to discipline.

Synopsis This subject introduces students to fundamental components of a lesson through examination and discussion of a simple teaching model and provides the opportunity to explore issues relating to classroom discipline and the impact of pupil behaviour on classroom organisation and pupil achievement. Practicum periods in primary schools provide a forum for students to re-acquaint themselves with the primary school; engage in extended observation of practicing teachers in functioning classrooms, and to undertake basic lesson planning and conduct classes for periods up to two hours in duration.

Assessment Examination: 50% - Portfolio: 50% - Eighty per cent attendance - Hurdle: satisfactory standard in all assessment items

Recommended texts

Barry K and King L. Beginning teaching Social Science Press, 1993
Moyles J (ed.) Beginning teaching: Beginning learning in primary education Open University Press, 1995
Rogers W A Decisive discipline Institute of Educational Administration, 1989
Tauber R T Classroom management. Theory and practice 2nd edn, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1995

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