
Special education practice 2

Ms G Preston

12 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - This subject is also offered by negotiated contract in the Graduate Certificate of Education (Professional Development Studies) course - Prerequisites: GED1811, GED1812. Students must also have successfully completed or be concurrently enrolled in GED1816 and have the approval of the coordinator

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should: have an understanding of the principles which influence current classroom teaching approaches for students with special needs; have developed, implemented and evaluated a sequence of instruction for an individual or group of learners in a specific educational setting; have documented the student/s progress.

Synopsis Successful completion of this subject along with GED1816 will meet the requirements of students who wish to work as special education professionals in Victorian schools. These requirements are in accordance with the Guidelines for Reviewing Special Education Courses (revised December 1996) published by the Standards Council of the Teaching Profession, the statutory body that advises the Victorian Minister for Education on professionalism in teaching. Students will be assigned a supervisor. Students who are completing all or part of their practicum through the Monash Institute of Child and Adolescent Studies (MICAS) will be supervised by Dr Lawrence Bartak. Students will be involved for a minimum of thirty days of supervised special education school-based practical experiences, under the supervision of their supervisor/s. Students are responsible for arranging and maintaining regular contact with their assigned supervisor/s, for the duration of this practicum. Students must have their placements approved by the practicum coordinator, Dr Joanne Deppeler and the practicum supervisor, Ms Gail Preston, early in second semester.

Assessment Case report (2000-3000 words): 60% - Class presentation: 20% - Diary and evaluations: 20%

Prescribed texts

Department of Education Handbook program for students with disabilities and impairments Books 1-4, 1998
Directorate of School Education Guidelines for implementing the curriculum and standards framework for students with disabilities and impairments DSE, 1995
Directorate of School Education Course advice: Students with disabilities and impairments - English DSE, 1996
Foreman P (ed.) Integration and inclusion in action Harcourt Brace, 1996
Victorian Board of Studies Curriculum and standards framework series VBOS, 1995

Recommended texts

Cole P and Chan L Methods and strategies for special education Prentice-Hall, 1990
Crealock D and Bachor D Instructional strategies for students with special needs Allyn and Bacon, 1995
Directorate of School Education Guidelines for implementing the curriculum and standards framework for students with disabilities and impairments DSE, 1995
Directorate of School Education Program support group guidelines for students with disabilities and impairments DSE, 1995
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department A user guide to the disability discrimination act Villamanta Publishing Service, 1995
Meyen E L, Vergason G A and Whelan R J Strategies for teaching exceptional children in inclusive settings Love, 1996
Riche V Everyday social interaction: A program for people with disabilities 2nd edn, Maclennan and Petty, 1996
Stainback W and Stainback S Support networks for inclusive schooling: Interdependent integrated education Brookes, 1990
Strichart S and Mangrum II C T Teaching study strategies to students with learning disabilities Allyn and Bacon, 1993

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