
Advanced studies in educational research and practice 2

Dr G Tsolidis

12 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to understand major research orientations relevant to educational practice; apply these research orientations through the consideration of aspects of practice significant within the field of education; familiarise themselves with current professional debates and theoretical orientations in the field as these relate to relevant epistemological issues;. consider understandings of relevant issues as these are current within the profession and juxtapose these to analyses offered through the research literature; explore the theoretical framings appropriate to the students' own individual research endeavours.

Synopsis This subject is the second of two compulsory core subjects for all beginning EdD students. However, EdD students who commenced before 1997 can also take each half as a semester-long elective subject. The second semester subject will provide students with opportunities to acquire an advanced understanding of research orientations in the field of education as they apply to specific topics, all of which are priority issues within the education profession. These topics, and the research orientations which will be explored through them, will be presented as a series of four modules. Students will have the opportunity to juxtapose perspectives as these are developed within the profession with theoretical analyses of these as they are developing within educational research. Enabling students to explore this professional practice - education research interface will provide them with a strong base upon which they are encouraged to develop and consolidate their specialist research program. The subject complements the work done through further elective subjects and thesis preparation and completion.

Assessment One major research essay (8000 words): 100%

Recommended texts

de Wit H (ed.) Strategies for the internationalisation of education OECD, 1996
Halsey A H and others (eds) Education: Culture, economy and society O U P, 1997
Harris K Education and knowledge RKP, 1979
Higgs P (ed.) Metatheories in educational discourse and practice Heinemann, 1998
Kohli W (ed.) Critical conversations in philosophy of education Routledge, 1995
Luke A 'Text and discourse in education: An introduction to critical discourse analysis' in Apple M W (ed.) Review of research in education AERA, 1995
Luke C and Gore J (eds) Feminisms and critical pedagogy Routledge, 1992
Weiner G Feminisms in education: An introduction Open U P, 1994
Windschuttle K The killing of history Macleay Press, 1994

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