
Human, financial and capital resource management in education

Not offered in 1999

Dr G W Young and Mr W G Tickell

12 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to demonstrate their understanding of the political nature of resource management and the complexity of issues involved; demonstrate knowledge and skills in techniques of resource planning and staff selection; compare prevailing practices of financial and capital management in education with those of other comparable systems; and demonstrate a capacity to identify and examine research related to the management of resources.

Synopsis This subject is concerned with the management of human, financial and capital resources in education. The subject incorporates theory and practice concerned with good management of resources and incorporates contemporary issues which inform or impinge upon effective management. Such issues include (1) the ways we think about and react to individuals and groups in organisations; (2) the politicisation of work, human relations and resource allocation; (3) the importance of building team work; and (4) developing a planned approach to the allocation of resources. A focus will be given to particular skills and techniques of resource planning and management including strategic planning; scenario development; human resource planning; staff selection, appraisal and development; personnel policy formulation; costing; budget formulation and analysis; cash flow management; capital budget management and purchasing; trend and ratio analysis; cut-back management; programmed maintenance; and critical path analysis. Case studies and syndicate exercises will be used to integrate the content of the course.

Assessment Assignment (8000 words; 6000 words for masters students): 100%

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