
Research in music education

Not offered in 1999

Dr R Smith, Ms J E Southcott and Mr G J Hurworth

12 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to display familiarity with the breadth of research approaches utilised in music education inquiry; demonstrate an understanding of the differences between these approaches, and their appropriateness for different types of research problems in music education; evaluate a selected aspect of music education research; present informed critique in seminars of the findings of their evaluation of research.

Synopsis This subject consists of a survey of current research in music education, and its application to practice. Both Australian and international research will be considered in some detail. Quantitative and qualitative research procedures, as applied to music education, will be discussed; for example, philosophical, historical, descriptive and case study, and psychological approaches.

Assessment Critical bibliography (2000 words): 40% - Major seminar paper (4000 words): 60%

Recommended texts

Colwell R (ed.) Handbook of research on music teaching and learning Schirmer, 1992

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