
Current issues in children's services

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to identify the critical issues facing children's services in Australia; understand the link between funding and service provision; and demonstrate the skills of research, analysis and reporting in an examination of a specific issue.

Synopsis This subject will critically examine a number of continuing issues in the provision of children's services including the employment of males in early childhood services; placing babies in care; the regulation, deregulation and accreditation of children's services; assessment/ evaluation of young children; issues of confidentiality with particular reference to diseases such as HIV/AIDS; issues in funding including fee relief and tax rebate, user pays principles and the comparative responsibilities of Commonwealth, State and local government as well as employers for the provision of quality children's services.

Assessment Essay and presentation (3000 words): 60% - Reflective journal: 40%

Recommended texts

Brennan D and O'Donnell C O Caring for Australia's children Allen and Unwin, 1986
Lambert B Changing faces: The early childhood profession in Australia Australian Early Childhood Association, 1992
Mellor E and Coombe I (eds) Issues in early childhood services: Australian perspectives WCB, 1994

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